23220 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 476, Beachwood, OH, 44122 chris@emilyjerryfoundation.org 440.289.8662

Protect Your Families and Loved Ones from Preventable Medication Errors.

As Emily’s father, had I known this one little detail…. Emily would still be here today!

Your babies, children, and loved ones are unknowingly being put at serious risk and could die exactly the same way Emily tragically died. Find out exactly what you can do today to keep your family and friends safe from these types of all too common medical errors. More importantly, we will show you ways that you can effectively protect them from dying from a similar senseless and horrific death!

Did you know that in 2012, six years after Emily died at the hands of a poorly trained pharmacy technician, and there are still five states with absolutely NO requirements for technicians who routinely compound IV medications on a daily basis? Furthermore, the individual state boards of pharmacy in these five states have no oversight, whatsoever, of pharmacy technicians in their respective states. With that being said, does it seem as though these state boards of pharmacy are really doing their primary job, which is to protect the residents of their states from unsafe pharmacy practice?

New York
Washington DC

If you live in one of these states, or any state that loosely regulates pharmacy technicians, you can protect yourself and the ones you love immediately. Most people are not aware that it is well within your rights when you, or a loved one, go into any medical facility in our nation for treatment of any kind, to request that a registered pharmacist prepare, any and all, IV medications during the entire course of your stay! This is something you should always insist on prior to the treatment or procedure and it is imperative that you get this in writing from an administrator in authority at the facility where you or your children are being treated. As Emily’s father, had I known this one little detail, Emily would still be here today!

If you are truly as concerned as I am about this very important public safety issue, I would urge you to contact your state’s board of pharmacy, as well as, your state legislators immediately. In addition, please continue to visit the The Emily Jerry Foundation website (www.emilyjerryfoundation.org) for new and updated information regarding our new National Campaign for Improved Pharmacy Technician Training and Oversight that we look forward to introducing in the coming weeks. I am also pleased to say that this new campaign is a very important part of The Emily Jerry Pediatric Safe Patient Initiative that just began earlier this year.