Shortly after my two-year old daughter, Emily’s, tragic death in 2006, I began this journey I’m currently on as a full time patient safety advocate. As it still is today, my primary emphasis when I first began my advocacy efforts, was to focus on ways to influence positive change in our nation’s medical facilities that would help minimize the probability of “human error” occurring, on the part of caregivers in medicine. My thought, when I first started, was simple. If I could put all of my time and energy as an advocate, each and every day, into this one particular area of preventable medical errors, ultimately it might end up saving others from a similar fate as my beautiful Emily. I felt very strongly that if this work that I had chosen to do as an advocate, ended up saving only a few lives over the course of time, then all of the hard work would be worth it. More importantly, I couldn’t think of a better way to honor my daughter Emily’ short life. Additionally, I truly thought these efforts would make her tragic death less senseless.
Through this work as an advocate, I never really knew the profound healing that would occur for me on a personal level, as Emily’s father. I now believe that this is just one of the many blessings given to me by my little girl. It’s this type of healing process that can occur, for anyone who has experienced or is going through a life-changing crisis, that cohost Joni Aldrich (www.jonialdrich.com) and I, will be discussing on our new weekly show called ADVOCACY HEALS U. Please join us every Tuesday at 2:00pm EST and find out how to be an advocate for positive change and how it can, subsequently, heal and inspire you too! Over any web enabled device, you can listen to the show by either going to www.W4CS.com or www.W4WN.com. If you happen to miss a show it will be rebroadcast each Saturday at 3:00pm EST.
Click Here to Listen to the “Advocacy Heals U” Audio Promo!
Posted: May 30, 2013 by ejfadmin
“Advocacy Heals U”: Announcing a New Weekly Internet Radio Talk Show hosted by Joni Aldrich and Christopher Jerry
Shortly after my two-year old daughter, Emily’s, tragic death in 2006, I began this journey I’m currently on as a full time patient safety advocate. As it still is today, my primary emphasis when I first began my advocacy efforts, was to focus on ways to influence positive change in our nation’s medical facilities that would help minimize the probability of “human error” occurring, on the part of caregivers in medicine. My thought, when I first started, was simple. If I could put all of my time and energy as an advocate, each and every day, into this one particular area of preventable medical errors, ultimately it might end up saving others from a similar fate as my beautiful Emily. I felt very strongly that if this work that I had chosen to do as an advocate, ended up saving only a few lives over the course of time, then all of the hard work would be worth it. More importantly, I couldn’t think of a better way to honor my daughter Emily’ short life. Additionally, I truly thought these efforts would make her tragic death less senseless.
Through this work as an advocate, I never really knew the profound healing that would occur for me on a personal level, as Emily’s father. I now believe that this is just one of the many blessings given to me by my little girl. It’s this type of healing process that can occur, for anyone who has experienced or is going through a life-changing crisis, that cohost Joni Aldrich (www.jonialdrich.com) and I, will be discussing on our new weekly show called ADVOCACY HEALS U. Please join us every Tuesday at 2:00pm EST and find out how to be an advocate for positive change and how it can, subsequently, heal and inspire you too! Over any web enabled device, you can listen to the show by either going to www.W4CS.com or www.W4WN.com. If you happen to miss a show it will be rebroadcast each Saturday at 3:00pm EST.
Click Here to Listen to the “Advocacy Heals U” Audio Promo!
Category: News
Our Mission
The Emily Jerry Foundation is determined to help make our nation’s, world renowned, medical facilities safer for everyone, beginning with our babies and children. We are accomplishing this very important objective by focusing on increasing public awareness of key patient safety related issues and identifying technology and best practices that are proven to minimize the “human error” component of medicine. Through our ongoing efforts The Emily Jerry Foundation is working hard to save lives every day.
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