23220 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 476, Beachwood, OH, 44122 [email protected] 440.289.8662

Allegheny Health Network’s Medication Safety Summit Recap

Yesterday was such an amazing day at Allegheny Health Network's Medication Safety Summit in Pittsburgh. I truly felt so privileged and humbled to give the keynote to help kick things off. I was also so grateful to spend the remainder of the day surrounded by so many "like minded" AHN clinician caregivers who are just as passionate as I am, to put an end preventable medication errors! Throughout the day we all participated in various educational activities relating to improving medication safety overall, root cause analysis, etc. From all of this wonderful collaboration and input from the various modalities at AHN, I felt like we all learned so much. Bottom line, I walked away from this stellar medication safety summit with such a re-energized sense of HOPE and inspiration, that by all of us continuing to rally together, we can one day soon, achieve my somewhat audacious goal of ZERO preventable medication errors! With that said, I would genuinely like to thank AHN's Vice President of Pharmacy, Laura Mark, and her colleagues for not only making this very productive event happen but for truly "hitting it out of the park"!