Empowering Future Pharmacists: Advocating for Medication Safety in Utah
March 9, 2025
I want to take a moment to recognize an extraordinary group of PharmD students from the University of Utah and Roseman University of Health Sciences Colleges of Pharmacy who made a lasting impact at Utah’s Legislative Day on… Read More
Nebraska Scorecard
Grading Scale:
A – 85-100%, B – 70-84.9%, C – 55-69.9%, D – 40-54.9%, F – 0-39.9%
Grading Categories & Criteria

38-2836. Pharmacy technician, defined. Pharmacy technician means an individual registered under sections 38-2890 to 38-2897.
Source: Laws 2007, LB247, § 80; Laws 2007, LB463, § 932. Operative date December 1, 2008.
38-2890. Pharmacy technicians; registration; requirements. (1) All pharmacy technicians employed by a facility licensed under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act shall be registered with the Pharmacy Technician Registry created in section 38-2893.
(2) To register as a pharmacy technician, an individual shall (a) be at least eighteen years of age, (b) be a high school graduate or be officially recognized by the State Department of Education as possessing the equivalent degree of education, (c) have never been convicted of any nonalcohol, drug-related misdemeanor or felony, (d) file an application with the department, and (e) pay the applicable fee. (3) Beginning January 1, 2017, a pharmacy technician shall be certified by a state or national certifying body approved by the board in order to be employed as a pharmacy technician in a health care facility.
Source: Laws 2007, LB236, § 31; R.S.Supp.,2007, § 71-1,147.65; Laws 2015, LB37, § 51. Effective Date: August 30, 2015
38-2891. Pharmacy technicians; authorized tasks. (1) A pharmacy technician shall only perform tasks which do not require professional judgment and which are subject to verification to assist a pharmacist in the practice of pharmacy.
(2) The functions and tasks which shall not be performed by pharmacy technicians include, but are not limited to:
(a) Receiving oral medical orders from a practitioner or his or her agent;
(b) Providing patient counseling;
(c) Performing any evaluation or necessary clarification of a medical order or performing any functions other than strictly clerical functions involving a medical order;
(d) Supervising or verifying the tasks and functions of pharmacy technicians;
(e) Interpreting or evaluating the data contained in a patient’s record maintained pursuant to section 38-2869;
(f) Releasing any confidential information maintained by the pharmacy;
(g) Performing any professional consultations; and
(h) Drug product selection, with regard to an individual medical order, in accordance with the Nebraska Drug Product Selection Act.
(3) The director shall, with the recommendation of the board, waive any of the limitations in subsection (2) of 69 this section for purposes of a scientific study of the role of pharmacy technicians approved by the board. Such study shall be based upon providing improved patient care or enhanced pharmaceutical care. Any such waiver shall state the length of the study and shall require that all study data and results be made available to the board upon the completion of the study. Nothing in this subsection requires the board to approve any study proposed under this subsection.
Source: Laws 2007, LB236, § 32; R.S.Supp.,2007, § 71-1,147.66; Laws 2007, LB247, § 82. The changes made by LB 236 became effective September 1, 2007. The changes made by LB 247 became operative December 1, 2008.
38-2892. Pharmacy technicians; employer responsibility. (1) The pharmacist in charge of a pharmacy or hospital pharmacy employing pharmacy technicians shall be responsible for the supervision and performance of the pharmacy technicians.
(2) The pharmacist in charge shall be responsible for the practice of pharmacy and the onsite training, functions, supervision, and verification of the performance of pharmacy technicians. Except as otherwise provided in the Automated Medication Systems Act, the supervision of pharmacy technicians at a pharmacy shall be performed by the pharmacist who is on duty in the facility with the pharmacy technicians or located in pharmacies that utilize a real-time, online data base and have a pharmacist in all pharmacies. The supervision of pharmacy technicians at a hospital pharmacy shall be performed by the pharmacist assigned by the pharmacist in charge to be responsible for the supervision and verification of the activities of the pharmacy technicians.
Source: Laws 2007, LB236, § 33; R.S.Supp.,2007, § 71-1,147.67; Laws 2015, LB37, § 52. Effective Date: August 30, 2015
38-2893 Pharmacy Technician Registry; created; contents. (1) The Pharmacy Technician Registry is created. The department shall list each pharmacy technician registration in the registry. A listing in the registry shall be valid for the term of the registration and upon renewal unless such listing is refused renewal or is removed as provided in section 38-2894.
(2) The registry shall contain the following information on each individual who meets the conditions set out in section 38-2890: (a) The individual’s full name; (b) information necessary to identify the individual; and (c) any other information as the department may require by rule and regulation.
Source: Laws 2007, LB236, § 34; R.S.Supp.,2007, § 71-1,147.68; Laws 2009, LB288, § 2. Operative Date: August 30, 2009.
38-2894 Pharmacy technician; registration; disciplinary measures; procedure; Licensee Assistance Program; participation. (1) A registration to practice as a pharmacy technician may be denied, refused renewal, removed, or suspended or have other disciplinary measures taken against it by the department, with the recommendation of the board, for failure to meet the requirements of or for violation of any of the provisions of subdivisions (1) through (17) and (19) through (24) of section 38-178 and sections 38-2890 to 38-2897 or the rules and regulations adopted under such sections.
(2) If the department proposes to deny, refuse renewal of, or remove or suspend a registration, it shall send the applicant or registrant a notice setting forth the action to be taken and the reasons for the determination. The denial, refusal to renew, removal, or suspension shall become final thirty days after mailing the notice unless the applicant or registrant gives written notice to the department of his or her desire for an informal conference or for a formal hearing.
(3) Notice may be served by any method specified in section 25-505.01, or the department may permit substitute or constructive service as provided in section 25-517.02 when service cannot be made with reasonable diligence by any of the methods specified in section 25-505.01.
(4) Pharmacy technicians may participate in the Licensee Assistance Program described in section 38-175.
Source: Laws 2007, LB236, § 35; R.S.Supp.,2007, § 71-1,147.69; Laws 2007, LB247, § 83; Laws 2009, LB288, § 3. Operative Date: August 30, 2009.
38-2895. Pharmacy technician; discipline against supervising pharmacist; enforcement orders. (1) If a pharmacy technician performs functions requiring professional judgment and licensure as a pharmacist or performs functions without supervision and verification and such acts are known to the pharmacist supervising the pharmacy technician or the pharmacist in charge or are of such a nature that they should have been known to a reasonable person, such acts may be considered acts of unprofessional conduct on the part of the pharmacist supervising the pharmacy technician or the pharmacist in charge pursuant to section 38-178, and disciplinary measures may be taken against such pharmacist supervising the pharmacy technician or the pharmacist in charge pursuant to the Uniform Credentialing Act.
(2) Acts described in subsection (1) of this section may be grounds for the department, with the recommendation of the board, to apply to the district court in the judicial district in which the pharmacy is located for an order to cease and desist from the performance of any unauthorized acts. On or at any time after such application the court may, in its discretion, issue an order restraining such pharmacy or its agents or employees from the performance of unauthorized acts. After a hearing the court shall either grant or deny the application. Such order shall continue until the court, after a hearing, finds the basis for such order has been removed.
Source: Laws 2007, LB236, § 36; R.S.Supp.,2007, § 71-1,147.70; Laws 2007, LB247, § 84; Laws 2015, LB37, § 53. Effective Date: August 30, 2015
38-2896. Pharmacy technician; reapplication for registration; lifting of disciplinary sanction. A person whose registration has been denied, refused renewal, removed, or suspended from the Pharmacy Technician Registry may reapply for registration or for lifting of the disciplinary sanction at any time in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the department.
Source: Laws 2007, LB236, § 37; R.S.Supp., 2007, § 71-1,147.71. Operative date December 1, 2008.
38-2897. Pharmacy technician; duty to report impaired practitioner; immunity. A pharmacy technician shall report first-hand knowledge of facts giving him or her reason to believe that any person in his or her profession, or any person in another profession under the regulatory provisions of the department, may be practicing while his or her ability to practice is impaired by alcohol, controlled substances, or narcotic drugs. A report made to the department under this section shall be confidential. Any person making a report to the department under this section, except for those self-reporting, shall be completely immune from criminal or civil liability of any nature, whether direct or derivative, for filing a report or for disclosure of documents, records, or other information to the department under this section. The immunity granted by this section shall not apply to any person causing damage or injury by his or her willful, wanton, or grossly negligent act of commission or omission.
Source: Laws 2007, LB236, § 38; R.S.Supp., 2007, § 71-1,147.72. Operative date December 1, 2008.
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The Emily Jerry Foundation is determined to help make our nation’s, world renowned, medical facilities safer for everyone, beginning with our babies and children. We are accomplishing this very important objective by focusing on increasing public awareness of key patient safety related issues and identifying technology and best practices that are proven to minimize the “human error” component of medicine. Through our ongoing efforts The Emily Jerry Foundation is working hard to save lives every day.
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