23220 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 476, Beachwood, OH, 44122 chris@emilyjerryfoundation.org 440.289.8662

Giving Tuesday 2022 – Thank you For Your Support of EJF!

Today is “Giving Tuesday” and I’m really hoping that everyone will consider donating to the Emily Jerry Foundation, so we can continue providing vital programming & initiatives, like the Medication Safety Scholars Program, the Pediatric Safe Label Program, our National Pharmacy Technician Initiative & Interactive Scorecard, etc. We will never know exactly how many tragedies have been averted, or precisely how many lives have been saved…but isn’t just one life lost due to something that’s deemed “preventable,” way too many? Your generous contributions assist EJF in helping to stop tragedies before they happen by improving patient & medication safety overall, for everybody…ultimately, saving countless lives in the process!

Astoundingly, preventable medical error has been identified as the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States, claiming between 251,454, to over 440,000 lives annually. Unfortunately, tragic medication errors like the one that took my daughter Emily’s life in 2006, comprise the largest percentage of these deaths, nearly 50%.

I recognize, respect, and am extremely grateful for the simple fact that ALL healthcare providers, regardless of their modality, continually strive to ensure that every single patient receives care that safely delivers optimal outcomes.

Although, as the healthcare system’s medication experts, I have always viewed pharmacists as the providers best positioned to truly offer leadership and direction amongst their colleagues, with respect to the vital issues associated with overall medication safety within their facilities.

This is precisely why I am so pleased to announce that our first year for the Emily Jerry Foundation’s Medication Safety Scholars Program was such a huge success, awarding five student leaders their certificates of completion!!

Thank you in advance and God bless you all for your continued support of The Emily Jerry Foundation!

Make a charitable donation at: https://emilyjerryfoundation.org/donate/