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EJF Safe Label Program in Pharmacy Purchasing & Products Magazine

We have mentioned this article in the past, but I recently received the printed version in the mail and thought the scans would be much more powerful than the online link. As soon as I finished scanning the images I noticed I had a great testimonial in my email from someone who was moved to respond because of this very article. I’d like to share this email with you all:

I just read your interview in the March 2014 Pharmacy Purchasing & Products insert. It moved me to respond and share a success story from my hospital. We installed an IV Workflow system (DoseEdge™) in our pharmacy in late 2010. During dose preparation the technician must scan barcodes on the drug, diluent and fluid to ensure the ingredients are correct. They also take pictures of the amount of drug in the syringe before injecting into the bag for the pharmacist to verify.

We average 20 intercepted errors per week. I believe most of these would have been caught by the pharmacist, but…… In addition to DoseEdge there are several robotic and manual systems on the market. Perhaps in a future publication your foundation could advocate for barcode scanning in all sterile compounding.

P.S. I really like the angel label idea and plan to incorporate into my process.

Stephen L. Speth, RPh
Pharmacy Manager
Indiana University Health Bloomington Hospital
601 W. 2nd St.
Bloomington, IN 47402

I get so encouraged when I read things like this. A special Thank You goes out to Stephen Speth for sending me this note. It means we are starting to win the battle for patient safety, and gives me more motivation than you can imagine to press on! Please click on the image below to download a pdf of the scanned article as it printed in the latest issue of Pharmacy Purchasing & Products Magazine.

Speaking Engagement at Vermont Children’s Hospital at Fletcher Allen a Huge Success!

Just wanted to follow-up on the presentation I gave at Vermont Children’s Hospital at Fletcher Allen Health Care on March 5th. The entire Pediatric Grand Rounds event went great, as evidenced by the awesome Thank-You letter I was sent by Dr. Lewis First, the Chief of Pediatrics at Vermont Children’s Hospital. I always get energized by these incredible events, especially seeing the passion that the caregivers have for making their facilities a safer place for patients. I can’t thank them enough for giving me the opportunity to come visit and share my story. See a scan of the full letter below!

EJF Singled Out on Leanblog.org as "Making a Difference For Patient Safety"

We at the Emily Jerry Foundation are proud to announce a mention of our mission/organization by Mark Graban of Leanblog.org in a recent article titled “Some People Who Are Making a Difference for Patient Safety”. Leanblog is run by Mark and focuses on being “Lean in hospitals, business, and our world.” Being “Lean” refers to “The Toyota Way” management system, which has two parts: 1.) Eliminate waste and non-value-added activity (NVA) through continuous improvement, 2.) Practice respect for people. The article highlights three deserving foundations that are making an impact by trying to turn tragedy into triumph. The Louise H. Batz Patient Safety Foundation and The Josie King Foundation join the Emily Jerry Foundation on this list of patient safety advocates that are working to eliminate preventable medical errors. We are thankful for people like Mark who are attempting to shed light on organizations such as ours. I am also excited to have been asked to join Mark as a guest on one of his upcoming podcasts!

Click here to read the full article titled “Some People Who Are Making a Difference for Patient Safety” on Leanblog.org

Q&A with Chris Jerry in Latest Issue of Pharmacy Purchasing & Products Magazine

Pharmacy Purchasing & Products magazine is the health-system pharmacist’s premier source for practical and actionable information on the products and services that impact their practice. That is why I was very excited to be asked for the opportunity to do a Q&A interview session regarding details on the Emily Jerry Foundation and especially highlighting our advocacy efforts for safe pediatric medication labeling.

Click here to read the full article titled: “Advocating for Safe Pediatric Medication Labeling” which appears in the March 2014 edition.

EJF Featured in "Patient Safety" USA Today Supplement

The newest issue of Patient Safety hit the newsstands last Friday in select markets as a supplement to USA Today. An article about the Emily Jerry Foundation titled “A Father’s Vow to Prevent the Preventable” is published in the latest edition as well as being featured on the website! I am very excited to continue to move our mission forward, and publicity like this truly helps the cause. Check out all the very important articles at www.patientsafetyupdates.com

Upcoming Event: The Emily Jerry Story – Preventing Tomorrow’s Tragedies with Today’s Technology – March 5th at Fletcher Allen Health Care in Vermont

I am very excited for the upcoming events at Fletcher Allen Health Care in Vermont on Wednesday, March 5th. Take a look at the beautiful picture of Emily they are using for their internal posters (viewable at the link that follows) to promote these engagements. The detailed agenda is also available for download by clicking here. This event is going to have an enormous audience as we are planning to be webcasting these presentations throughout the entire state of Vermont and parts of New York! This is an exciting opportunity to really make a big impact with our story, and with the solutions we are prepared to present. Thanks for your continued support!

Dr. Nathaniel Sims of Massachusetts General Hospital – Patient Safety Pioneer!

Dr. Nat Sims – Image from Mass General Magazine

Over the course of my patient safety advocacy I have had the opportunity to meet many heroes within our healthcare system. People who go in to work, day in and day out attempting the impossible…to reduce medication errors to zero. Very few have had a bigger impact on myself, and on our entire healthcare system as a whole than Dr. Nathaniel Sims of Massachusetts General Hospital. I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Sims at this past year’s Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation Conference, where I was one of the keynote speakers. We immediately connected with a strong bond due to our sense of purpose for a common cause.

The Emily Jerry Foundation’s advocacy efforts have been focused on the usage and implementation of smart-technology to reduce the occurrence of medical errors (especially caused by human error) in our nation’s facilities. Dr. Nat Sims personifies this vision. Dr. Sims has spent his career attempting to innovate the drug infusion pumps which are the standard tool for delivering fluids into a patient’s circulatory system. Through his tireless efforts as advisor to the Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology (CIMIT) the newest breed of “smart pumps” are able to spot potential dosage errors throughout the process, as well as notice dangerous interactions and dosage limits that may be breached. These improvements have come at the perfect time as Federal officials have been worried about the increase in reports of drug delivery incidents and serious injuries linked to them. These innovations are saving lives each and every day.

Dr. Nat Sims has had an incredibly distinguished career that has pushed the envelope further and ushered in an era of patient safety. On top of the smart pumps he is listed as an inventor on more than 10 Mass General patents for medical devices. The most recent innovation to be inspired by the Sims Lab is “smart” label technology. Licensed to Codonics, one of our great partners, the Safe Label System is utilized at the point of medication preparation and uses barcode technology to read information from a drug container and electronically identify it against the hospital’s approved pharmacy drug database. An audible and visual confirmation of the drug is presented to the clinician when scanned, and a Joint Commission compliant label is automatically printed containing the name of the drug, concentration, dilution and diluent (if applicable), any alert messages about the drug and a barcode for AIMS or BCMA integration. The easy-to-read, full-color labels are based on ASA guidelines for drug class and color. The entire process  takes seconds and ensures syringes, or any labeled medications, are prepared error-free. The Emily Jerry logo can be found on SLS systems wherever they are being used in children’s hospital’s across the country as a reminder to take special care in pediatric preparations.

We are so very excited to be associated with this technology and being a part of the process of moving it forward. Thank You to Dr. Nathaniel Sims of Mass General for being such an incredibly dedicated patient safety pioneer that made it all possible!

Read more detail about Dr. Sims in the great article below published in Mass General Magazine.

Press Release: Leading Patient Safety Advocate and Founder of the Emily Jerry Foundation to Serve as Keynote Speaker at the HIMSS’14 Preconference Symposium on Transforming and Innovating Healthcare Through New Technologies

I am incredibly excited to announce I was asked to serve as the keynote speaker at the Intelligent Hospital Preconference Symposium to be held just prior to the 2014 HIMSS Conference. The Symposium will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Orlando, Fla., on February 23 at 8 AM ET. This was all made possible by the sponsors of my speech whom I am incredibly grateful for: MEPS Real-Time, Inc., a company on the leading edge of providing products and services focused on increasing patient safety in healthcare settings. Also, BD Medical, a segment of BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company), will be co-hosting my presentation with MEPS Real-Time, Inc. on Tuesday, Feb. 25, in the HIMSS Intelligent Hospital.

The press release that went out over the Business Wire yesterday can be read in full by clicking at the link below…

Click here to read the Business Wire Press Release.

Patient Safety Science & Technology Summit an Enormous Success!

Last month, I was afforded the opportunity to participate, as a speaker, on a medication safety panel discussion in Laguna Nigel, California, for the annual Patient Safety Science and Technology Summit. This very important event is organized every year by the Patient Safety Movement Foundation, with the primary goal and focus on getting to zero deaths from preventable medical errors by 2020 in our nation. Unfortunately, recent studies have shown, very conclusively, that preventable medical errors are now the third leading cause of death, aside from cancer and heart disease, claiming an astonishing 440,000 lives every year in the United States. These are tragic and senseless deaths that do not have to happen!

The following is the video of the hour-long medication safety panel discussion. This panel discussion opens with the powerful video segment we just posted at the top of The Emily Jerry Foundation’s homepage that was produced by the Patient Safety Movement Foundation for this particular event. If your able, I would really like to encourage you to watch it, in it’s entirety, it will definitely help you to gain a real perspective of what The Emily Jerry Foundation is all about!

Early last year, when I first learned about the Patient Safety Movement and their primary focus of reaching zero deaths from preventable medical errors by 2020, I must admit, I was a little skeptical as to whether this was actually realistic and achievable. Quite frankly, I thought this primary objective might be a bit audacious and unattainable. After working with Joe Kiani, their founder and Sheila Creal their President, as well as, the rest of their remarkable team, these past six to eight months during the planning phases of their second annual Summit, I have learned how mistaken I really was! All of my initial thoughts and opinions have dramatically changed. I now believe, wholeheartedly, that the Patient Safety Movement’s goal is definitely achievable and, subsequently, The Emily Jerry Foundation will continue to support their efforts to help make this vital objective happen by 2020! I am now firmly convinced that by continuing to all work together, to get everyone around the globe to rally behind our cause, we can make this goal a reality together!

At some of the other medical events focused on patient safety and quality of care, where the participants always had the best of intentions, there were times when I felt like everyone was just talking about the programs and measures they could use, to improve overall patient safety, however, they weren’t really taking action and being held accountable for their assurances to adopt and implement these vital programs and measures at their individual hospitals. With that general thought in mind, I think this is what really sets this Patient Safety Science & Technology Summit apart from many other functions I’ve attended in the past. What truly distinguishes this event apart from others, is the fact that they are requiring attendees and participants to make formidable and measurable commitments to adopt and implement the best practices and technology solutions that are proven to effectively save lives. Once a commitment is made by a medical facility, a technology manufacturer, or other entity involved with the Patient Safety Movement Foundation, that commitment is then published on their website (http://patientsafetymovement.org/), for everyone to see. Then at subsequent meetings, everyone involved holds one another accountable for the progress made on that previous commitment. The benefits of this type of program are two fold, as it provides for measurable results for the solutions developed by everyone involved, in addition to, the accountability factors I just aforementioned.

In all my years of working in patient safety and quality of care, I have never had the opportunity to spend so much time, at an important event like this, with so many influential leaders from industry, the government, the medical community, etc., all assembled and working together to not only come up with “solutions”, but all aligned and making actual commitments within their organizations to take the subsequent actions that make these particular “solutions” effective. In addition to all of the amazing people I had the honor of meeting at the Summit, I also had the distinct privilege of meeting former President, Bill Clinton at a small reception prior to his keynote speech. Click here to view local coverage from CBS – LA of President Clinton’s speech. President Clinton is someone I admire and one who has been an inspiration to me, with respect to all of his ongoing humanitarian efforts with The Clinton Global Initiative. Everyone seemed to share my same deep-seated passion about addressing these core issues that are tragically claiming an astounding number of lives every year. Most importantly, all of these esteemed leaders I met and had the opportunity to spend time with, appeared to have the genuine mindset of “doing whatever it takes” to join together, in a focused and concerted effort to save countless lives and ultimately get to zero deaths from preventable medical error by 2020!

Emily Jerry Foundation to Partner with MEPS Real-Time® at HIMSS 2014

The Emily Jerry Foundation is proud to announce our partnership with MEPS Real-Time® at HIMSS 2014. Based in Carlsbad, Calif., MEPS Real-Time is a leading provider of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) solutions for medication management in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.
This partnership continues to support my ongoing efforts of achieving ZERO preventable medical errors by 2020.  Combining MEPS’ Intelliguard® product portfolio with my patient safety advocacy is a natural fit and one that will help me continue to advocate for patient safety on a national level.
“Our primary goal at MEPS Real-Time is to help hospitals, pharmacies and other healthcare providers safely and accurately manage high-value, critical-dose medication dispensing and delivery to patients,” said Shariq Hussain, President and CEO of MEPS Real-Time.  “We are honored to partner with Chris Jerry and work together to improve patient safety.”
Following is a complete list of events where I will speak during the week of the HIMSS conference:
• Sunday, Feb. 23, 8:00 AM at the Hilton Hotel Orlando: keynote speech at the Intelligent Hospital Preconference Symposium.
• Monday, Feb. 24, 5:30 PM at the Orange County Convention Center, Leadership Theater, Intelligent Hospital Pavilion: During the RHCC and Intelligent Hospital Awards banquet, Jerry will accept an award on behalf of the Emily Jerry Foundation that recognizes leaders in advanced healthcare technology solutions. Q&A with press to follow.
• Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1:45 PM at the Orange County Convention Center, Leadership Theater, Intelligent Hospital Pavilion: Jerry will present a talk on how medical facilities can be made safer by identifyingtechnology proven to minimize “human medical errors.” Press conference with Q&A to follow in the Intelligent Hospital Welcome Center.

Be sure to visit the MEPS website whenever you get a free moment to learn more about the innovative work they are doing!