23220 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 476, Beachwood, OH, 44122 chris@emilyjerryfoundation.org 440.289.8662

Latest News

Chris Jerry to be Keynote Speaker at Patient Safety Summit – Philadelphia, PA

I am very proud to say that The Emily Jerry Foundation has just established a strong partnership with the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP).  In fact, I was just asked by Michael Cohen, ISMP President, to be their keynote speaker at their upcoming Patient Safety Summit in Philadelphia on October 24th.  Eric Cropp will also be accompanying me and presenting at the summit as well.  Their website is www.ismp.org.

Announcing: FREE Webinar! – July 27, 2011 – with Chris Jerry & Eric Cropp at PharmacyOneSource.com

How a Fatal Medication Error Led to Patient Safety Advocacy

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 12, 2011 – Bellevue, Wash. – Wolters Kluwer Health announced today that Pharmacy OneSource, software-as-a-service provider of Quantifi, a medication error documentation and reporting tool, is hosting a complimentary webinar with Christopher Jerry and Eric Cropp on “The Emily Jerry Story.”

Learn how the tragic story of two-year old Emily Jerry’s untimely death from a medication error in Ohio in 2006 has positively impacted the entire patient safety movement. Emily’s father Christopher Jerry turned tragedy into triumph through the establishment of The Emily Jerry Foundation and the passage of “Emily’s Law” in Ohio in 2009. Hear the compelling story of how Cropp, the pharmacist involved in Emily’s death, and Jerry have teamed up in Emily’s honor in an effort to make medical facilities safer for everyone, especially our children!

The Emily Jerry Story
DATE: Wednesday, July 27, 2011
TIME: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
WHERE: http://www.pharmacyonesource.com/webinars

Read the entire news release here.

Register for the Webinar at PharmacyOneSource.com/webinars.

Chris Jerry to Take Part in Patient Safety Lecture Sponsored by Summa Healthcare – August 17th – Akron City Hospital – 7:30am

I am excited to announce my participation in the upcoming patient safety lecture with Summa Healthcare on August 17th at Akron City Hospital’s Raymond C. Firestone Auditorium from 7:30 to 9:00am.  This lecture should be to a larger audience due to the fact it includes all of the caregivers from Summa Healthcare including physicians, interns, etc., in addition to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.  Special thanks to Maria Giannakos, PharmD, BCPS, MBA of Summa Health System in Akron who has organized all of this.

More details to come as they are available.

Follow Up to Speech Addressing Sanford-Brown Students on Cleveland Clinic Campus

My patient safety lecture went extremely well last week at the Cleveland Clinic. There were over 350 people in attendance including pharmacists & pharmacy technicians from the Cleveland Clinic and pharmacy technician students from Sanford-Brown College, which sponsored the event. We took a low budget video on my iphone and will be uploading edited clips shortly! The Emily Jerry Foundation is currently planning other talks at the Cleveland Clinic in the near future as well, so watch for announcements on this site.

I am humbled by all the special people that helped make this speech a reality. I’d especially like to convey a special thank you to Sanford Brown College for sponsoring this event, and to the Cleveland Clinic for graciously hosting us.

The following individuals were instrumental in the success and implementation of this worthwhile endeavor:

Kristen Malacos, Pharmacy Technology Program Director, for Sanford Brown College

Dr. Morton P. Goldman, System Director, Academic Affairs and International Business Development, Assistant Professor Department of Medicine CCLCM, Cleveland Clinic

Erin M. Ortiz Blanco, Pharmacy Technician Training Coordinator, Cleveland Clinic

Dr. Shannon Connor Phillips, Quality Officer, Cleveland Clinic

A sincere Thank You to those listed above and to everyone else involved in the event! May this be the first of many more to come.

Chris Jerry Takes Part in TMIT High Performer Webinar with Pharmacist Eric Cropp, Pilot Sully Sullenberger, and others!

The webinar entitled: “A Hospital Accident: Lessons Learned – A Death, A Conviction, and A Healing” was hosted by Texas Medical Institute of Technology (TMIT). The webinar panelists included: Dr. Charles Denham of TMIT, Eric Cropp, Christopher Jerry, Sully Sullenberger – famous for landing his plane on the Hudson River and saving the lives of all his passengers and crew members, Frank Federico, and Matt Listiak.

To download a pdf of the slides from the TMIT High Performer Webinar click here.

Emily Jerry Foundation and CDEX partnership announced at PR Newswire locations in Times Square, NY and Las Vegas

Below are some photos of the PR Newswire offices that announced our partnership with CDEX via our press release campaign. It’s such a great feeling to see the progress we are making. The more people who hear our story the more children’s lives that can be saved!



A "Must See" Documentary on Patient Safety

I’ve been working with Dr. Charles Denham who is the Chairman of the Texas Medical Institute of Technology (TMIT) and a Senior Fellow at Harvard for their Advanced Leadership Initiative on a number of patient safety projects. These ongoing projects include things like the recent filming of patient safety documentaries for the Discovery Channel like “Out of the Danger Zone”, various patient safety webinars, etc.

Make sure you watch the incredible documentary created by TMIT titled, “Chasing Zero: Winning the War on HealthCare Harm.” Video embedded below…

Chris Jerry to Give Speech to Sanford-Brown Students on Cleveland Clinic Main Campus

Chris Jerry started the Emily Jerry Foundation, raising awareness and helping to create protective measures to prevent the occurrence of medication errors. We have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to have Chris Jerry speak to our students. Not only is her story important for future pharmacy technicians, but anyone with a future in the medical field as well.

Many of you may have heard the story of Emily Jerry. She was killed by a mistake of a pharmacy technician, and her death is the reason there has been a change in legislation of technician certification requirements in Ohio.

In order to accommodate a large amount of students, we are collaborating with the Cleveland Clinic to host this event at the main campus in Bunts auditorium. Our hope is to not only have our students participate, but also members of the community and the Cleveland Clinic System.

My students take a lot of pride in their profession, and they are very excited about this opportunity. I also encourage you to attend his talk. It would be beneficial to everyone to hear his message.

When: June 30th, 2011

Time: 6:30-8:00PM

If you have any questions, please contact Kristy Malacos, Pharmacy Technology Program Director at kmalacos@sbc-cleveland.com or by phone: 440-202-3277.

See the official blog post here.

MedCity News: Father, pharmacist united by Emily’s Law plan speaking engagements

5.25.11 | Brandon Glenn

The father of the 2-year-old child whose death as a result of a medication error led to “Emily’s Law” is planning joint speaking engagements with the pharmacist who went to jail for that error.

Chris Jerry, who founded the Emily Jerry Foundation after his daughter’s 2006 death, hopes the joint discussions with ex-pharmacist Eric Cropp will help educate health professionals and students about the danger seemingly small, careless medication errors can pose to patients. The story of human tragedy — and forgiveness — could serve as a powerful reminder to health professionals that they hold human lives in their hands throughout the course of each workday.

Read the rest here.

MedCity News: ‘Emily’s Law’ dad to publicly forgive pharmacist

By MedCity News – 5.5.11 | Brandon Glenn

An Ohio father whose 2-year-old daughter’s 2006 death spurred the passage of “Emily’s Law” is preparing to publicly forgive the pharmacist who went to prison for a medical error that led to the death.

Chris Jerry, who has since started the Emily Jerry Foundation to raise awareness of medication errors, said he plans to forgive Eric Cropp in an interview next week for a segment on the Discovery Channel about patient safety.

“The criminalization of medical errors is an enormous setback for the patient-safety movement,” Jerry said.

Read the rest here.