23220 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 476, Beachwood, OH, 44122 [email protected] 440.289.8662

Emily’s Story Lives on Many Years Later

Three years ago, on February 22nd 2019, I was almost killed by a Mack truck that ran a red light and broadsided the driver’s side of my car.  I still have injuries I’m being treated for, but it’s only by God’s grace, that I even survived the accident!  In fact, tomorrow, which happens to be my daughter Emily’s birthday, I’m scheduled to have back surgery.  So yesterday, as I was preparing for my upcoming hospital stay, and just before my board meeting for the Emily Jerry Foundation, I felt so grateful and blessed to receive this very kind email correspondence.  God’s timing is always perfect! The mere fact that Emily’s legacy continues to live on in the hearts and minds of so many, truly means a lot to me!


My name is Gracie. I am a care assistant at a Children’s Hospital in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. I just heard about Emily’s story from a module we were asked to watch for work. I know that a tough time of year is coming up for you and your family in this next week, so I wanted to reach out to tell you that her story is still being heard and impacting people around the world!

Thank you for sharing about your beautiful daughter. I know she is so proud of how her family is remembering her!

I will be praying for Emily, as well as you and your family this week!

From, Gracie