Receiving correspondence like this, over the past few weeks, is not only an immense blessing for me personally, it’s further confirmation that Emily’s legacy continues to live on in so many positive ways!! She’s certainly not being forgotten, and she’s changing countless lives in so many positive ways!!
Mr. Jerry,
I first met you many years ago when you traveled to Union Hospital in Dover, Ohio to share your tragic story. As a young caregiver, that had a profound impact on me in how I approached my patients. I promised myself that if God ever placed me in a position of leadership, I would share your story as we addressed policy and change in our journey to becoming a highly reliable organization. Since then, I’ve had that opportunity many times. Thank you! Blessings!
Chris B.
My name is Audra Whitton, and I’m a nurse as well as an educator for nursing students. I discovered your foundation while researching
medication errors during one of my master’s projects, and I’ve been so impressed by the work you do. As a pediatric nurse, Emily’s story breaks my heart, but it’s been inspiring to see how you took that awful situation and turned it into so much good for other people.
I thought you might like to know that I’ve included Emily’s pictures in a PowerPoint for my junior nursing students on safe medication administration. I like for them to see the faces of individuals whose lives were forever changed (and, in some cases, tragically ended) by medication errors – not to scare them, but to make them more cautious when they start giving medication.
Basically, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks for all you do; it’s so important to look at systems change and how we can make medical care safer for everyone.
Audra W., MSN, RN
Last Updated: February 1, 2022 by Nick Pietravoia
Christopher Jerry Discusses Meaningful Solutions to Preventable Medical Errors During freeCE Webinar on Januray 26
Over the past decade, I have had the great privilege of collaborating and learning from so many of the leading experts in the various modalities in healthcare. This is why I am really looking forward to the upcoming in-depth conversation I’ll be having with pharmacist Kevin Hope, from freeCE on Wednesday, January 26th. We will be discussing the important issue of preventable medication errors, like the one that took my two year old daughter Emily in 2006, and the valuable lessons learned. More importantly though, we will be focusing on the comprehensive solutions that help stop these types of tragedies before they happen. Please consider joining us if your able!
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